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Deep Science

Unlike others in the essential oils industry, dōTERRA is built on firm science. dōTERRA employs more than 30 scientists and boasts 2,200 square feet in cutting-edge laboratory space. dōTERRA’s committed scientists continue to push the boundaries of rigor in essential oil testing and they are responsible for breakthroughs in sourcing, evolving models of use, and state-of the-art testing procedures. dōTERRA has pushed aromatherapy tradition into the 21st century and remains the unmatched industry leader in innovation.


dōTERRA’s state-of-the-art lab uses the most advanced testing methods to verify the purity and potency of its essential oils.

After the aromatic compounds are distilled from the plant material, each batch is scrupulously tested to ensure that it meets CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® standards.

dōTERRA developed these rigorous criteria to certify that its oils contain no added fillers, synthetic ingredients, or harmful contaminants. Utilizing its own facilities, as well as trusted third-party labs, dōTERRA essential oils undergo the CPTG process to ensure that customers receive the highest quality oil, every time.


Most Tested. Most Trusted

The dōTERRA mission hinges on discovering and developing the world's highest quality essential oils, and we stay at the forefront of scientific advances by partnering with selected academic, industry, and scientific institutions.

Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectroscopy (GC/MS) have been touted as the standard for essential oil testing, and while they remain an early indicator of quality, they are not a definitive indicator of quality.

As such, dōTERRA has developed a testing sequence that far exceeds the industry standard in both breadth and scope. Each step ensures that only the highest quality essential oils pass through quality control, quality assurance, and on to you and your family.


Organoleptic Assessments

In this phase, essential oil chemists, manufacturing engineers, and quality technicians manually assess the appearance, aroma, and colour of each essential oil.

Specific Gravity

The specific gravity portion of the testing process compares the volume-to-weight ratio to reference standards to verify oil quality and purity.

Gas Chromatography/ Mass Spectroscopy (GC/MS)

During this stage, molecules are separated and identified to ensure that the chemistry of the oil matches the expected chemical profile.

Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR)

FTIR testing uses infrared light to analyse the material composition of an oil to determine if it meets dōTERRA’s established standards.

Optical Rotation

Optical rotation tests for chirality by measuring the amount of light bend produced by the orientation of the molecules to determine whether the molecular structure complies with the determined standard.


Refractive Index

A refractometer is used to determine the essential oil's refractive index—a measurement of how light spreads through a specific substance—to ensure that the essential oil meets dōTERRA’s established standards.


Contamination Testing

Batches that meet the physical testing criteria are then run through a series of on-site contamination tests by expert microbiologists to confirm that there are no harmful contaminants. The oils are tested for potentially harmful microorganisms, heavy metals, and pesticides to certify safe use when proper usage guidelines are followed.

Stability Testing

dōTERRA also conducts on-going stability testing to ensure that essential oils will maintain their purity and efficacy for the length of their intended use. In this series of tests, chambers that alter temperature and humidity are used to analyse how essential oils react when exposed to different atmospheric conditions for extended periods of time. This testing protocol ensures that dōTERRA essential oils will continue to provide safe and effective benefits for years.

Lindsay and Daniel Plantin are doTERRA Diamond  Leaders and UK Founders. Please  browse our Adore Oils  to find out more about dōTERRA  essential oils and the natural benefits they provide .

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